27-03-2024 18:09 via ktoo.org

How do we halt the next pandemic? Be kind to critters like bats, says a new paper

When Australia’s black flying foxes are well-fed, they tend to be healthy. A lack of food stresses the bats — and stress causes them to shed, or release, viruses into the environment. (Ko Konno/Getty Images/iStockphoto)https://play.podtrac.com/npr-191676894/ondemand.npr.org/anon.npr-mp3/npr/atc/2024/03/20240326_atc_how_do_we_halt_the_next_pandemic_be_kind_to_critters_like_bats_says_a_new_paper.mp3?orgId=1&topicId=1031&d=234&p=2&story=1240779167&ft=nprml&f=1240
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