07-05-2024 12:15 via netnewsledger.com

Northern Ontario Weather Report: Detailed Forecast for May 7-9, 2024, Covering KI, Bearskin Lake, Sachigo Lake, Kasabonika, and Sandy Lake

Residents of the northern communities including Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI), Bearskin Lake, Sachigo Lake, Kasabonika, and Sandy Lake experience a chilly start today, with temperatures just below freezing at -0.9°C.
This detailed weather report, based on observations from Big Trout Lake Airport, provides an outlook for these areas over the coming days.
Today’s Weather Overview:
Current Conditions:
As of 5:00 AM CDT, the weather is clear with a recorded temperature of -0.9°C. T
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